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DP20-5 firmware update

DP20-5 firmware update

This update program corrects the problem that files of images taken by the DP20-5 in February of a leap year and saved on a Compact Flash (CF) card, as well as their folder(s), get a wrong date.

* The DP20 has two models: DP20 and DP20-5.
* The DP20 and DP20-5 have separate update programs.

If you are using the DP20-5, see the next item and on.

Products affected:

  • DP20-5 digital camera for microscopy with a serial number whose last two digits are [A0]
  • DP20-5 digital camera for microscopy with a serial number whose last two digits are [A1]
  • DP20-5 digital camera for microscopy with a serial number whose last two digits are [A2]

How to find the model number:

The model number and serial number of your DP20 can be found on the label attached to the bottom of the controller (see Figure 1).

No firmware update is necessary for any product other than those listed above.

How to find the model number
Figure 1: How to find the model name and serial number

What does this update program fix?

  • Corrects the problem where files of images taken by the DP20-5 in February of a leap year and saved on a Compact Flash (CF) card, as well as their folder(s), get a wrong date.

To install the program

  1. Before starting to install the program:

    (1) Please check whether your digital camera is the DP20 or DP20-5.

    (2) Before downloading this update program, read the Program Copyright Notice and License Agreement. By downloading this program, you are indicating your consent to these terms.

    (3) In order to update the firmware of the DP20-5, you will need a CF card with at least 3 MB of space and a CF card reader/writer.

    (4) Copy all of the three decompressed files mentioned above on a CF card. Never change the file names of decompressed ones when you use. If folders exist in the CF card beforehand, don’t copy the files in those folders. If you copy them in those folders, you cannot update properly.

  2. How to download the file:

    (1)Select the file you want to download from the right side of the page.
        Download filename: "DP20-5 FUv020105e.exe"(about 841KB)

    (2)When the [File download] dialog box is displayed, click on the [Save] button to download the file to an appropriate folder, such as onto your desktop.
    If you are using Windows Vista, you cannot download the file directly to the C: drive, so first create a folder (e.g. C:\DL), then download the file into this folder.

    (3) Double-click on the saved file to decompress it. The following three files will be decompressed:

    The following dialog box is displayed upon decompression:

    1. Click the [Browse] button in the WinZip Self-Extractor dialog box to choose the folder to which you wish to save the decompressed file.
      If you are using Windows Vista, you cannot download the file directly to the C: drive.
      Change the destination folder to the folder to which you downloaded the file (e.g. C:\DL).
    2. Click the [Unzip] button to start to decompress the downloaded file.
    3. When decompression completes, a dialog box to confirm your action will be displayed. Click the [OK] button to close the dialog.
    4. Click the [Close] button to close the dialog box.

    (4) Copy all of the three decompressed files mentioned above on a CF card. Never change the file names of decompressed ones when you use. If folders exist in the CF card beforehand, don’t copy the files in those folders. If you copy them in those folders, you cannot update properly.

    (5) Follow the steps to update the DP20-5 firmware.
    Click here to read about the update procedure.
    During the update process, do not turn off the DP20-5 or remove the CF card from the DP20-5.

* Read the Program Copyright Notice and License Agreement before downloading this program.

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