
Investigating Tumor Dissemination by Spatial Transcriptomics
ln this webinar, I will introduce our spatial transcriptomics approach to investigate predictive biomarkers in colon cancer and disease relapse. I will show an imaging-based in situ sequencing approach that enables the visualization and quantification of greater than 200 different RNA transcripts directly on formalin fixed and paraffin embedded cancer tissue.

How Polarized Light Can Assist Embryologists in Clinical Routines
In this webinar, we’ll review how polarized light can assist embryologists in different research and clinical applications.

Unveiling Nanoscopic Realms: A Journey into Super-Resolution Microscopy
Join us in this webinar as we unfurl the potential of Abbelight's super-resolution microscopy.

Good Cell Culture Practice—How to Improve the Reproducibility of Your Experiments
The life science reproducibility crisis is especially frequent in cell culture studies. In this webinar we will focus on the factors that affect reproducibility in cell culture experiments and on how to control and minimize them.
The webinar will take place on June 29 at 10 a.m. EDT/4 p.m. CEST.

Exceptional Imaging Made Easy: Meet the APEXVIEW™ APX100 All-in-One Microscope
Join this webinar to learn more about the features and capabilities of the APX100 microscope and see a live demonstration of the system.

Technology Evaluation: Deciphering Cell-Cell Interactions in a 3D Microenvironment at a Single-Cell Resolution
Join Thomas to learn how easily you can implement evorion’s advanced microfluidics-based CellCity System to unravel the cellular and molecular mechanisms of cell-to-cell interactions in a 3D microenvironment at a single-cell resolution. Discover Evident and evorion’s joint workflow solution that enables you to find your highly characterized specific cells of interest for high-resolution live-cell imaging using our IXplore™ microscope systems in a user-friendly manner.

奥林巴斯生物成像会议:探索新维度 | 3天虚拟活动 | 2022年3月9日-11日
Bioimaging is an essential tool used to image and analyze cells, tissues, and molecules in fields such as drug discovery, diagnostics, life science, and clinical research. Rapid advances in imaging technology have enabled researchers to visualize and quantify specimens in ways that were, until recently, impossible. With the advent of technologies such as super-resolution and AI-assisted imaging, researchers can now clearly observe their specimens on the nanometer scale and have access to stress-free, accurate data analysis. The objective of this virtual conference is to explore and understand recent innovations in light microscopy bioimaging technologies. Over the 3-day event, our expert speakers will discuss topics such as super-resolution microscopy, F-techniques including FRAP and FRET, and novel probes.

A Smarter Approach to Culturing and Nurturing Your Cells
In this webinar, expert Shogo Usui will discuss the current challenges in cell culture techniques and explore how the CM20 system can accelerate your research with an improved cell culture process.

Modern Slide Scanning: Single-cell Phenotyping on Fixed Samples (Encore Edition)
Get another chance to learn about the latest generation of slide scanners on November 18, when we replay our webinar with our Olympus experts Flavio and Alec. In this webinar, our experts will discuss how modern slide scanners can be a workhorse for your applications and how multiplexing can reveal much more information from a slide. With a guest expert from Ultivue, you’ll learn how single-cell phenotyping can dramatically improve the understanding of the dynamics in a sample, even if it is a fixed slide.

Product Demo: FLUOVIEW™ FV3000 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope
Join James Lopez, PhD, National Applications Manager to see how the FV3000 confocal laser microscope can expand your research possibilities and help you get more data from your samples.

Whole-Brain Functional Calcium Imaging Using Light Sheet Microscopy
Light sheet microscopy is a powerful technique to perform fast volumetric imaging. I will talk about how we use it to investigate how the brain of a small vertebrate, the larval zebrafish, works. In our laboratory at the Technical University of Munich, we are interested in how the brain processes external sensory stimuli and uses internal states and past experiences to select appropriate behavior. In order to do this, we image the activity of almost all 100,000 neurons in the brain of larval zebrafish while we present the animals with stimuli and monitor their behavior. I will also discuss the data processing steps after acquiring these large datasets.

Product Demo: FLUOVIEW™ FV3000 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope
Join Bülent Peker, Senior Product Marketing Manager to see how the FV3000 confocal laser microscope can expand your research possibilities and help you get more data from your samples.

In-Vivo Tracking of Harmonic Nanoparticles by Means of a TIGER Widefield Microscope
In-vivo tracking based on harmonic nanoparticles is so far not exploited because of a lack of an appropriate tool—a widefield nonlinear optical microscope. Here, we present a new approach to overcome this challenge based on a redesign of laser space parameters.

Product Demo: SLIDEVIEW™ VS200 Research Slide Scanner
In this product demo you will learn how to capture high-resolution images of your slides for quantitative analysis, enabling you to make the most of the information your slides have to offer. Easily analyze, share, and archive your data with the SLIDEVIEW VS200 digital slide scanner. Join this session and learn how to achieve more in less lead time.

A New Way of Thinking—Object Detection with Deep Learning
In this session, we will discuss object segmentation with deep learning and its applications in life science. We will also demo Olympus deep-learning software.

Evolution of Scientific Digital Imaging Technologies and their Applications
In this talk, Dr. Lin covers some critical facts about scientific digital cameras. He also discusses the evolution of these cameras, the solutions that Olympus offers, and how they are used in current advanced microscopy systems for various applications.

Confocal Microscopy and Its Use for a Spaceflight Experiment
Spaceflight experiments represent a rare but exciting scientific opportunity. Unlike most lab experiments, in which protocols can be quickly modified, limitations on crew time and availability of supplies are notable factors. Unanticipated changes to launch and reentry schedules are also an issue. The experimental apparatus and protocols used must be able to function in a microgravity setting, while also resisting the g-forces and vibrations during launch and landing. During this presentation, Dr. McLean will go over the experimental planning and use of confocal and electron microscopy approaches and analyses during a recent spaceflight experiment that flew on Space X-21 from 12/6/20 – 1/14/21.

Deep Learning Approaches to Automated Phenotypic Profiling
Quantifying cellular phenotypes is the key to all cell biology studies. However, modern imaging techniques can easily generate more data than an average user can comfortably handle. In this presentation, Dr. Chao discusses two deep learning approaches, one semi-supervised and one supervised, for building image analysis pipelines. Either approach can be run on a free cloud GPU instance.

Deconvolution of 3D Image Stacks
Images taken with a light microscope are never true representations of the specimen. Error sources, which have to be controlled, are sample preparation and staining protocols as well as optical aberrations and limitations of microscope and digital camera.

Product Demo: IXplore™ SpinSR Confocal Super Resolution System
In this live demo, experience the IXplore SpinSR system, designed for fast 3D super resolution imaging and prolonged cell viability in time-lapse experiments. The microscope system offers XY resolution down to 120 nm without the need for dedicated labeling procedures. Learn how to easily integrate the IXplore SpinSR microscope system into existing experiments and sample protocols to streamline your research.

Metabolic Imaging in Langerhans Human Islets with MPE and FLIM
Capturing life (mis)regulation at the nanoscale is a crucial challenge for present and future biophysics. At this scale, the main actors are the molecules. To successfully tackle molecular behavior within living matter, optical microscopy is a valuable methodological platform: by using fluorescence as the signal, spatial and temporal details of molecular processes can be investigated quantitatively. The physiopathology of beta-cell response to glucose stimulation will be used as case study of biological/biomedical interest. The metabolic traits of beta cells will be highlighted using a straightforward combination of multiphoton microscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging, and feedback-based orbital tracking of sub-cellular nanostructures.

Accelerating Image Analysis with TruAI™ Deep Learning Technology
In this tech talk, through a collection of examples measured with our live cell imaging systems, high-content screening station, and whole slide scanner, you will see what TruAI technology can do for your research and get a preview of what is coming next.

Recent Advances in 3D Imaging and AI-Driven Data Analysis
This presentation will highlight various imaging techniques for 3D models, immunostaining with tissue clearing, and live imaging of organoids as well as AI-driven data analysis for high-content imaging and screening.

Product Demo: SLIDEVIEW™ VS200 Research Slide Scanner
The Olympus SLIDEVIEW VS200 research slide scanner captures high-quality virtual slide images and enables advanced quantitative image analysis. Reliable virtual slide data can be acquired with as few as two clicks. Highly versatile, the SLIDEVIEW VS200 slide scanner supports five observation methods and a wide range of sample sizes for use in various applications. Its automatic slide loader accommodates many slide glasses, helping increase experiment efficiency.