The XM10-IR is ideal for the entire range of fluorescent dyes, including those emitting in the near-IR region such as CY5 and CY7. On top the XM10-IR offers a wide range of properties required in the field of fluorescence microscopy: extreme sensitivity, cooling, variable exposure times, and external trigger function. The XM10-IR has a 1.4 megapixel CCD chip with a bit depth of 14 bits. The 2x binning mode enables frame rates of more than 15 images per second. This makes it easier to focus and
to locate areas of interest on samples while conserving highly sensitive fluorescence samples. The high-resolution mode is ideal for acquisition. The XM10-IR is extremely sensitive and supports long integration times of up to 160 seconds. In combination with the camera cooling, these characteristics are ideal requirements for making perfect acquisitions of low-intensity fluorescence. In live mode, the XM10-IR can superimpose a false color onto a monochrome image in accordance with the
fluorescence emission.
The CCD chip of the XM10-IR has 1.4 megapixels resolution. The 14-bit dynamic range means that even acquisition of images with very bright and faint regions is dynamically optimal. CCD elements are sensitive enough to detect even the weakest signals. The electronic shutter offers variable exposure times ranging from 100 µs to 160 seconds.
High Frame Rate
The high speed ADC (Analog-Digital Converter) working at a clock rate of 20 MHz in full 12-bit dynamic range is able to perform double sampling even at a readout rate of 20 MHz. Various frame rates are supported by this camera. For example, the camera can be set to acquire at a high frame rate of more than 25 fps at TV resolution using 2x binning. View your zoomed-in sample, locate the area of interest and focus - all conveniently onscreen. For acquisition the system switches
automatically into the high-resolution mode. This avoids bleaching of your fluorescence specimen and offers optimal performance when setting parameters.
Complete Camera Control
All XM10-IR camera functions are fully controlled by the analysis image-processing software. Real-time functions enable the utilisation of the entire dynamic range under all conditions and guarantee the best contrast. XM10-IR´s integration into analysis provides all the capabilities and advantages of state-of-the-art digital image processing and analysis, ranging from image labelling, archiving, report generation and e-mailing, as well as photo-realistic printouts without the darkroom.
Easy Installation
FireWire technology guarantees that the XM10-IR installation is easy on any PC or laptop equipped with a FireWire port. The days when you were limited to a frame grabber and just a single camera are history. FireWire technology enables you to use multiple cameras on the same PC. The XM10-IR can be mounted onto all light microscopes with a C-mount adaptor. Plus, you only need one cable for getting data and power to the PC's FireWire port. No more clutter and no 'octopus' of
cables getting in your way.
2/3 英寸 单色 CCD
1376 (W) × 1032 (H) 像素
6.45 × 6.45 µm
2 × 2
4 × 4
0.1 ms–160 s
15 fps at 1,376 x 1,032 pixels
25 fps at 688 x 516 pixels
50 fps at 344 x 258 pixels
80 fps at 172 x 129 pixels
环境温度为25°C时,Peltier 10°C
FireWire™ IEEE 1394a
Windows 10 32/64 bit
Windows 8.1 32/64 bit
Windows 7 32/64 bit