OpticsxSearchKeyword Search3 Steps to Choosing the Right Microscope Tube LensBy Yu Kikuchi - 23 May, 2024Crafting Precision: Behind the Lens of Microscope Objective ManufacturingBy Kazuhiko Hosono - 23 April, 2024How to Minimize an Optical System for a Compact Imaging DeviceBy Bunryu Arashi - 1 November, 2022Microscope Autofocus: Active vs. Passive Methods for Equipment DesignBy Masato Yabe - 23 December, 2021A Faster Way to Verify RoHS Compliance of Microscope Components and OpticsBy Kei Sato - 29 July, 2021Direct Access—Download 3D CAD Data of Our Microscope ComponentsBy Shodai Hosono - 29 June, 2021How to Use the Olympus Objective Finder in 5 Easy StepsBy Yu Kikuchi - 23 February, 2021The Importance of Compensation-Free Optics in Microscope DesignBy Bunryu Arashi - 21 January, 2021Good Optics—Improving Single-Molecule Sensitivity in Confocal MicroscopyBy Marcus Krauel - 21 December, 2020