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Direct Access—Download 3D CAD Data of Our Microscope Components

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Mechanical engineers meeting with clients for a component design review using a 3D CAD drawing on a computer screen

Many of our high-quality, high-performance microscope parts—like our objectives, for example—are integrated into larger systems designed by imaging device manufacturers in a wide variety of fields, including research, inspection, and production. To assist these customers with the integration, we provide them with the optical and mechanical data of our components and additional design support as needed. Our tools to provide this support have advanced and become more efficient over the years, and we’re about to take another leap forward.

Then and Now: Advances in Microscope Component Design

Senior colleagues I work with have told me that only a few decades ago, when creating designs, they had to hand-draw two-dimensional drawings using a drafting machine. They lacked the tools that we have now to generate three-dimensional (3D) models. Back then, they would literally gather around the drawing board to review the design. Managing design assets was also challenging because all the designs were on paper.

By the time I joined Olympus in 2008, 3D computer-aided design (CAD) had become mainstream, and drawings had been digitized. Digitalization of component design had progressed rapidly, which greatly improved efficiency. All drawing data—including 3D models, design history, and updates—were managed in databases, and Olympus' design assets were managed using digital media, not paper.

The Digitization of Component Design Has Far-Reaching Advantages

3D-CAD tools are particularly effective for not only managing design assets, but also interacting with our customers. Design reviews with our customers via virtual meetings have increasingly become the norm because of physical distance or, lately, social-distancing restrictions.

Thanks to digitization, we can simultaneously view 3D CAD data during meetings or send 3D CAD models as electronic data to our customers for their review. Since we used to send actual products to customers instead of the design data, shipping costs were high, and products took much longer to reach their destination. This added to their product development time as they had to wait to verify the designs. So reducing the costs and time involved has been highly beneficial not only for Olympus, but also for our customers.

Instantly Download 3D CAD Data of Our Microscope Components

To date, we have been sending 3D CAD data to customers upon request. But now you can download 3D CAD data directly from our website at any time. We’ll start by making the design data for 31 products, including objectives, available for direct download. We plan to add more data in the future for greater convenience.

Easily Access Component Designs: Here’s How It Works

After filling out a short form, we’ll send you an email containing a link that enables you to download the data. Note that we use the most common file format, STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product model data), and the 3D CAD data is appearance model only. You can then use the downloaded 3D CAD data to check the layout of your device with the component mounted.

An image of the 3D CAD appearance model for the SWTLU-C tube lens unit

Visit www.olympus-lifescience.com/oem-components for more information on how to integrate Olympus’ high-quality optical components into your microscope designs.

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Mechanical Engineer

Shodai Hosono is a member of Evident’s mechanical engineering department. He has been involved in developing microscope products for over a decade. As a mechanical engineer, he has designed various microscopes and modular microscope assemblies. He holds a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Saitama University in Japan.

Jun 29 2021
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