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Solutions-Based Systems

Olympus solutions-based systems are optimized for an efficient workflow.

Explore microscope-based imaging platforms for working with fixed samples or imaging live cells—including super resolution microscopy—while ICSI platforms support in vitro fertilization (IVF) technology, including intracytoplasmic sperm injection and intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI) applications.

Olympus’ research slide scanner converts high-resolution images into virtual slides, enabling you to easily analyze, share, and archive your optical data while providing outstanding image quality. Our bioluminescence imaging system enables detailed study of photosensitive cells and luminescence probes at high magnification.

Our high-content screening station and light sheet microcopy platform for three-dimensional (3D) imaging enable you to make the most of the information available for quantitative analysis. 

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Solutions-Based Systems

Digital Pathology Slide Scanner


  • Microscope-quality images onscreen
  • Fast, efficient digital pathology workflow
  • Easy to onboard and manage
Benchtop Fluorescence Microscope


The APEXVIEW™ APX100 benchtop fluorescence microscope makes it fast and simple to acquire expert-quality microscope images. Built with our renowned optics, an intuitive user interface, a powerful AI, and a suite of smart features, the APX100 system combines ease of use with high-quality image data to fit your research needs.

  • Stay focused on your research
  • Save space—no darkroom required
  • Fast, efficient data management
Research Slide Scanner


  • Outstanding image quality for whole slide imaging, from 2X to 100X, including oil scanning
  • Accommodates multiple slide sizes and observation methods
  • SILA optical sectioning device enables you to obtain high-contrast images free from blur across the entire slide
  • Simplified and powerful workflow, from brightfield to fluorescence multiplexing
  • Uniquely configurable software and hardware, from manual brightfield scanning to AI recognition and fully automated scanning
Inverted Microscope for Assisted Reproduction


  • Optimized for a smoother ICSI workflow in assisted reproductive technology (IVF)
  • Easy oocyte condition checks through spindle visualization
  • Streamlined ICSI steps through motorized operation
High-Content Screening Station for Life Science


Achieve fully automated image acquisition and data analysis of biological samples using the scanR high-content screening station. Design individualized assays for cell cycle, protein localiazation, intracellular transport and more.  Modular hardware is compatible with a range of additional systems, including spinning disk confocal, robot loading, incubation, TIRF, and FRAP systems.

  • Fast and precise image acquisition and analysis
  • Image cytometry based approach enables easy and detailed visualization of results
  • Expand your capabilities with modules such as self-learning AI, kinetic parameter measuring, high-speed 3D deconvolution, and more

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Solutions-Based Systems Resource Videos

VS200 Research Slide Scanner Introduction

The Olympus SLIDEVIEW VS200 scanner provides reliable virtual slide images for quantitative data analysis and improves the efficiency of your experiment workflow. The video takes a closer look at this product and how it supports high-resolution whole slide imaging.

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