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The XM10-IR is ideal for the entire range of fluorescent dyes, including those emitting in the near-IR region such as CY5 and CY7. On top the XM10-IR offers a wide range of properties required in the field of fluorescence microscopy: extreme sensitivity, cooling, variable exposure times, and external trigger function. The XM10-IR has a 1.4 megapixel CCD chip with a bit depth of 14 bits. The 2x binning mode enables frame rates of more than 15 images per second. This makes it easier to focus and to locate areas of interest on samples while conserving highly sensitive fluorescence samples. The high-resolution mode is ideal for acquisition. The XM10-IR is extremely sensitive and supports long integration times of up to 160 seconds. In combination with the camera cooling, these characteristics are ideal requirements for making perfect acquisitions of low-intensity fluorescence. In live mode, the XM10-IR can superimpose a false color onto a monochrome image in accordance with the fluorescence emission.

The XM10-IR is not for clinical diagnostic use.



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