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Fluorescence Imaging

Life Science Research Application

Applications: Fluorescenceimaging

What Is Fluorescence Imaging?

Fluorescence imaging visualizes intracellular structures, particularly protein and molecular structures, using fluorescent proteins or dyes. To acquire high-quality fluorescence images, specialized devices and optical equipment are required, and they need to be properly set up.

Our fluorescence imaging systems use UIS2 optics, a series of high-performance objectives that offer both a high numerical aperture (NA) and precise compensation of spherical and chromatic aberration. Our fully motorized fluorescence imaging systems provide easy, one-click system setup and multidimensional image acquisition, such as multicolor, multiple image alignment (MIA), and Z-stack, with a simple workflow.

We also offer fluorescence imaging software that enables high-resolution fluorescence image acquisition through powerful image processing techniques, such as deconvolution. The software gives you access to a wide range of analysis methods, including intensity profiling, automatic object measurement, and classification.

Browse fluorescence imaging applications, as well as our range of systems, cameras, and software to build your optimal fluorescence imaging solution.

Fluorescence Imaging Applications

Fluorescence Imaging Solutions: Build Your Configuration

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Microscope System/Frame

FV4000MPEShow Description

  • Acquire accurate, quantitative image data from the macro scale to subcellular structures
  • Obtain more information from a single multicolor image
  • Monitor neuron and other essential dynamics with high-speed imaging


Multiphoton Laser Scanning Microscope
APX100Show Description

The APEXVIEW™ APX100 benchtop fluorescence microscope makes it fast and simple to acquire expert-quality microscope images. Built with our renowned optics, an intuitive user interface, a powerful AI, and a suite of smart features, the APX100 system combines ease of use with high-quality image data to fit your research needs.

  • Stay focused on your research
  • Save space—no darkroom required
  • Fast, efficient data management


Benchtop Fluorescence Microscope
IXplore ProShow Description
IXplore Pro

The IXplore Pro automated system acquires panoramic, multichannel images without a complex workflow. Easing experiment setup, the Graphical Experimental Manager offers fully automated multidimensional observation capabilities. The microscope’s high-precision ultrasonic stage, automated focusing, and bright, uniform fluorescence illumination facilitate image stitching applications.  

  • Automated multidimensional observation (X, Y, Z, T, wavelength, and positions)
  • Boost your statistics with multiwell plate screening
  • Acquire fluorescence panoramic images of large samples, such as brain slices
  • Create 3D optical sections and enhance resolution with TruSight™ deconvolution

IXplore Pro

Automated Microscope System
IXplore StandardShow Description
IXplore Standard

Optimized for basic multicolor fluorescence imaging and routine experiments, the IXplore Standard system is easy to operate and ergonomically designed. Even with standard cell culture vessels, it captures high-quality, publication-worthy images while providing accurate and repeatable results at high magnifications. The IXplore Standard system’s simplified workflow and ease of use facilitate a wide range of standard imaging applications.

  • High repeatability and accuracy for standard imaging tasks
  • Benefit from the same optical capabilities found in high-end IXplore systems
  • Easily upgrade to encoded functionality to boost the reproducibility of experiments

IXplore Standard

Compound Microscope System
BX63Show Description
  • Fully motorized system allows automation of complex multidimensional experiments
  • Accurate motorized Z-drive
  • High stability due to fixed stage design


Automated Fluorescence Microscope
Elixon Theatre jQuery Plugin


Not ApplicableShow Description
Not Applicable
DP75Show Description

The high-performance DP75 digital microscope camera makes it easy to capture high-resolution brightfield or fluorescence images using a single color camera. It simplifies your microscopy imaging, so you can focus more on your work.

  • Integrated TruAI denoising maximizes the camera’s image quality in real time
  • Exceptional color reproduction, making your images as vivid as looking through the microscope oculars
  • Supports multiple staining combinations and wavelengths up to 1000 nm with a switchable infrared (IR) cut filter


Microscope Digital Camera
DP23MShow Description

The monochrome DP23M microscope digital camera is a cost-effective solution for high-quality fluorescence imaging. Even for dim samples, its high sensitivity and resolution deliver bright images, easing protein expression checks, observation using near-infrared (NIR) dyes, and other routine fluorescence imaging tasks.

  • Sensitivity and speed for fluorescence imaging
  • 6.4-megapixel backside illuminated CMOS sensor
  • Cost-effective fluorescence documentation


Digital Microscope Camera
Elixon Theatre jQuery Plugin


Not ApplicableShow Description
Not Applicable
cellSensShow Description

Providing intuitive operations and a seamless workflow, cellSens software’s user interface is customizable so you control the layout. Offered in a range of packages, cellSens software provides a variety of features optimized for your specific imaging needs. Its Graphic Experiment Manager and Well Navigator features facilitate 5D image acquisition. Achieve improved resolution through TruSight™ deconvolution and share your images using Conference Mode.

  • Improve experiment efficiency with TruAI™ deep-learning segmentation analysis, providing label-free nuclei detection and cell counting
  • Modular imaging software platform
  • Intuitive application-driven user interface
  • Broad feature set, ranging from simple snapshot to advanced multidimensional real-time experiments


Imaging Software
Elixon Theatre jQuery Plugin