Your discovery research is constantly evolving, and the right tools are critical to an efficient workflow. We provide a range of imaging system solutions with the optical performance you need to make the most of our powerful software tools, from artificial intelligence powered analysis with TruAI technology to true 3D analysis using our NoviSight software.
With the advance of more physiologically relevant 3D models, confocal and multiphoton imaging solutions equipped with the right optics provide better images for better results. Coupled with our NoviSight 3D software for high-content analysis (HCA), our high-quality microscope systems can resolve your most challenging samples by revolutionizing traditional 2D screening methods with TruAI deep learning and providing true 3D analysis.
NoviSight Software
3D High-Content Analysis
Obtain true object counts and morphological measurements in 3D
Statistical reporting of microplate data
Dynamically linked data, from image acquisition to analysis
Standard assays and algorithm customization service