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Digital Image Processing: Point and Local Operation Filters

Digital Image Processing: Point- and Local Operation Filters

Images taken with a light microscope are never true representations of the specimen; there are always sources of error that must be controlled. In this webinar, we’ll discuss what can be done to deal with sources of error, such as noise or low contrast. We also discuss the ethics of image processing—is image processing allowed, and, if yes, under what circumstances?


Heiko Gäthje, Senior Trainer, Olympus Training Academy
Takeo Ogama, Senior Product and Strategy Planner and Product Manager

Digital Image Processing: Point and Local Operation Filters

Images taken with a light microscope are never true representations of the specimen; there are always sources of error that must be controlled. In this webinar, we’ll discuss what can be done to deal with sources of error, such as noise or low contrast. We also discuss the ethics of image processing—is image processing allowed, and, if yes, under what circumstances?

Heiko Gäthje
Olympus Europa

大家好,我叫Heiko Gäthje。我在担任生物学家时开始获得宽视场和共聚焦荧光显微镜以及3D数据图像处理方面的专业知识,当时的研究重点是昆虫的神经元发育和哺乳动物唾液酸结合神经元蛋白质的结构。


Takeo Ogama

我叫Takeo Ogama,是奥林巴斯显微镜相机的高级产品和策略规划师兼产品经理。我在相机等各种产品的研发部门拥有八年的工作经验,也在产品规划、营销和管理方面拥有八年的经验。加入奥林巴斯之前,我从日本大阪大学获得中微子物理学的硕士学位。

Digital Image Processing: Point and Local Operation Filters2024年9月16日
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