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랩온어칩 연구팀은 코로나19를 조기에 발견하기 위한 빠르고 믿을 만한 검사 방법을 만들었습니다.이 블로그 게시물에서 Olympus IXplore Live 시스템이 어떤 중요한 역할을 했는지 알아보세요.
通过本文,我们将认识Justin Zoll—2020年美洲地区年度图片奖得主—并了解获奖图片的拍摄过程。
在本应用说明中,您将了解 TruAI 技术如何通过基于 FUCCI(CA) 探针的长时间成像显著改善针对胚胎干细胞的探测和追踪。
scanR 高内涵筛选工作站 3.3 版提供了经过改进的深度学习技术分割功能,以可靠地区分生物样本中的对象。要了解更多信息,请阅读新闻稿。
Monitoring the Whole Process of Human iPS Cell-Derived Liver Organoid Differentiation Using the CM20 Incubation Monitoring System
张薪沛是一位业余摄影师,他获得了 2020 年全球显微图像大赛亚太地区奖。 在这篇博文中了解更多关于他的故事以及他的获奖图片。
奥林巴斯Provi CM20细胞培养监控系统的β版软件已更新。
The new Olympus Life Science Solution Cloud—currently available in Japan—streamlines research at universities and labs. Get the details in the press release.
Conor Evans博士是一位教授兼显微镜专家。在这篇博客中,了解他作为临床研究者的历程以及显微镜在其工作中的重要性。
第二届 Olympus 探索峰会“提高成像质量”于 2021 年 10 月 26-27 日举办。显微镜学家将与同行讨论如何使用成像技术推进研究。请查看新闻发布稿以了解详情。
在这篇文章中,了解 2020 年 IOTY 欧洲、中东和非洲地区获奖者 Grigorii Timin 是如何拍摄出非洲家蛇胚胎皮肤那令人着迷的显微图像的。
Our new DP23M monochrome microscope camera is a cost-effective solution for standard fluorescence imaging and fluorescent protein expression checks. Read about all the benefits in the press release.
利用FLUOVIEW FV3000观察绒猴大脑皮层和丘脑之间的神经结构
在此应用说明中,我们证明了 FV3000 显微镜如何利用复杂的采集参数协助多区域延时图像的采集,从而可在一次试验中获得完整、可靠的数据集。
细胞增殖/细胞毒性检测是涉及细胞培养的研究中最常用的检测之一。 在本应用说明中,我们将讨论如何使用 CM20 快速、轻松地评估细胞增殖/细胞毒性。
在这篇文章中,了解我们的工程师如何设计真彩 LED 系统,以克服 LED 与卤素光源相比的不利方面。
微生物生态学和特邀博客作者 Hunter Hines 博士在社交媒体上分享的内容获得了数百万次观看点击。 本博客将带您了解他在科学推广方面所作的努力,以及社交媒体对于科学教育的作用。
Knowing the age of herring is important for developing fisheries management strategies. In this app note, learn how the SLIDEVIEW VS200 system is helping researchers age herring by counting the rings in their otoliths.
我们的 DP28 和 DP23 相机最近获得了顶级创新奖。在这篇文章中,了解这些相机的哪些先进功能令它们获得这一荣誉。
In this app note, researchers discuss how to classify multiple phenotypes for drug testing using a confocal microscope and imaging software with deep learning.
In this app note, learn how NoviSight software can help researchers compose a more efficient 3D organoid image analysis workflow.
The Olympus DP28 and DP23 microscope cameras were chosen by a committee of clinicians and healthcare professionals to receive a Premier Innovation Award. Get the details in this press release.
本篇应用说明描述了如何使用SLIDEVIEW VS200研究级全玻片扫描系统的深度学习解决方案快速分析大型图像集中的形态特征,特别是检测肾脏中的肾小球。
您的仪器设计需要验证 RoHS 合规性吗?在这篇文章中,我们将讨论一些有帮助的工具。
OLYMPUS Provi CM20孵化监测系统的定制模式(β版本)软件已更新。详情请看这里。
We’ve partnered with Grundium Ltd. to deliver a cost-effective telepathology solution for medical professionals. Read the press release to get all the details.
Our confocal microscope technology is helping scientists study things beyond our world. In this post, learn how confocal imaging of biofilms helped a NASA spaceflight experiment take off.
Using Multiple Observation Methods to Get the Most out of Your Slides
We’re making our 3D-CAD component drawings for instrument design more accessible than ever! Learn about our endeavor to enable direct downloads in this blog post.
Our CM20 incubation monitoring system won an Edison Award for innovation. In this post, learn about the award and the thoughtful design that led to the achievement.
We’re proud to say our OLYMPUS Provi CM20 incubation monitoring system won a 2021 Edison Award for its innovative design that automates the cell culture workflow. Learn more in this press release.
You’re never too old to live your dream. This blog post tells the story of Avalon, a woman who worked hard to get the microscope she needed to continue her passion—studying microscopic aquatic animals called rotifers.
In this post, we explain everything you need to know about Net Image Server SQL—what it is, how it works, and how to leverage it to manage virtual microscopy data.
In this app note, Olympus customer Dr. Kim examines the dynamics of neutrophils and monocytes/macrophages in vivo in an influenza-infected mouse trachea using an Olympus multiphoton microscope.
The results are in for our 2020 Global Image of the Year Award! See which images impressed the jury and won top prizes in this blog post.
Automated analysis of label-free organoid imaging data
Total Support for Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Research
Enhance your fluorescence imaging with our high-brightness U-LGPS light source
cellSens software updated: Version 3.2
Label-free quantification you can count on: a deep learning experiment
Imaging of drug response in drug efficacy assessment
Whole slide imaging with oil can help maximize image resolution and quality, but how does it work? In this post, we answer the commonly asked questions.
Winners of Olympus’ 2020 Global Image of the Year Award
In this post, an Olympus imaging expert explains how to count red and green foci in blue nuclei in just a few simple steps.
Olympus Discovery Summit:Connect Virtually with the microscopy community April 27 - 29
As microscope systems get smaller, engineers are challenged to find new ways to lay out the optical system. Learn some helpful design tips in this post.
Going back to the lab after time away can be daunting. To help ease your transition back, we’ve created this 4-step guide to get your experiments up and running. Check it out!
Advantages of the Latest Microscopes for Pathology and Cytology
Our new DP28 and DP23 cameras offer smart features that enable you to analyzer samples on a monitor with accuracy and confidence. Discover 6 ways they can improve your research in this post.
In diesem Anwendungshinweis beobachten wir induzierte pluripotente Stammzellen quantitativ über einen langen Zeitraum, um zu verstehen, welche Faktoren an den zelllinienabhängigen Variationen der Organoid-Differenzierung beteiligt sind.
If you’re looking for new microscope objectives, our Objective Finder can make the process easier. In this post, we explain how to use the tool effectively to find what you need.
Custom Mode (β version) is newly available with CM20 Incubation Monitoring System.
We sat down with Biological Oceanographer Dr. Gabrielle Corradino to learn about her journey as a scientist, the role microscopes play, and the importance of communicating with the public. Read the interview in this post.
Håkan Kvarnström is a microscope enthusiast who has been using our microscopes and objectives to create stunning artwork. In this post, we’ll give you the background on his latest works.
Accelerating and Optimizing the Segmentation and Analysis
Need to image live cells or organisms over time? There are many methods, but one of our favorites is surprisingly easy. Get the details in this blog post.
A microscope’s light source is essential for sample observation and imaging. In this blog post, we provide helpful tips on how to extend its life and performance.
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