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Webinar: Enhance Your Image Analysis with TruAI™ Deep-Learning Technology

In 2019 Olympus launched TruAI technology, an image analysis approach based on deep neural networks that helps enhance the efficiency and accuracy of experiments.

In this webinar, expert Manoel Veiga will share key lessons that we’ve learned from our life science research with deep-learning technology. Sign up now to:

  • See real examples measured with our live-cell imaging systems, high-content screening station, and whole slide scanner
  • Learn how to take full advantage of this artificial intelligence technology
Ki67 assay

Ki67 assay. TruAI classification of proliferating cells in tissue.

TruAI prediction of the position of cells in an organoid across Z based in the widefield fluorescence signal

TruAI prediction of the position of cells in an organoid across Z based in the widefield fluorescence signal.

TruAI prediction of the position of cells in a well plate based on a low-contrast brightfield image

TruAI prediction of the position of cells in a well plate based on a low-contrast brightfield image.


Manoel Veiga

Manoel Veiga
Application Specialist
Manoel Veiga has a PhD in physical chemistry from the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain and completed two postdocs at the Universities of Madrid and Münster. He joined Olympus in 2017, where he works as Global Application Specialist with a focus on high-content analysis and deep learning. Prior to Olympus, Manoel spent five years working in the fluorescence-lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) and time-resolved spectroscopy fields.

Webinar: Enhance Your Image Analysis with TruAI™ Deep-Learning Technology

Enhance Your Image Analysis with TruAI™ Deep-Learning Technology banner

In 2019 Olympus launched TruAI technology, an image analysis approach based on deep neural networks that helps enhance the efficiency and accuracy of experiments.

In this webinar, expert Manoel Veiga will share key lessons that we’ve learned from our life science research with deep-learning technology. Sign up now to:

  • See real examples measured with our live-cell imaging systems, high-content screening station, and whole slide scanner
  • Learn how to take full advantage of this artificial intelligence technology
Ki67 assay

Ki67 assay. TruAI classification of proliferating cells in tissue.

TruAI prediction of the position of cells in an organoid across Z based in the widefield fluorescence signal

TruAI prediction of the position of cells in an organoid across Z based in the widefield fluorescence signal.

TruAI prediction of the position of cells in a well plate based on a low-contrast brightfield image

TruAI prediction of the position of cells in a well plate based on a low-contrast brightfield image.


Manoel Veiga

Manoel Veiga
Application Specialist
Manoel Veiga has a PhD in physical chemistry from the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain and completed two postdocs at the Universities of Madrid and Münster. He joined Olympus in 2017, where he works as Global Application Specialist with a focus on high-content analysis and deep learning. Prior to Olympus, Manoel spent five years working in the fluorescence-lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) and time-resolved spectroscopy fields.